Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Loosing hope

I want to write here more often but i am discouraged and depressed that no one reads it.
I guess it feels pointless, and futile to do write "out here" if it doesn't reach anyone.
This is very much the feeling that I have about everything these days. Everything seems pointless.
I have now been unemployed for almost 3 months. It feels like I will never find a job. I can't bring myself to carry on applying, it seems pointless.
Of course I know that if I do not apply then I really have no chance. I know what I need to do is carry on trying... but what do you do when you've lost hope?
I think I haven't totally lost it, not yet at least. It goes temporarily, then some comes back.

It is ironic how there have always been so many things I wanted to do that I didn't have time to do, and now that I have the time, I just don't feel like doing them. So much of my self esteem, and self confidence is linked to work; a lot more than I thought.
The rejections, in most cases not even hearing back from applications, is really getting to me.
I seem to be interiorising it as a message that I am not worth anything, that I am not good for anything. I feel as if I am not a "valid" person.

Many times I think I need to call people, to actually have a chat with someone in order to have a better chance with my application, but as my confidence goes, I feel less capable of calling, of having a chat.
I seem to e getting in a dangerous circle, as not succeeding with my applications is making m loose confidence, making me less capable of doing what I need to do to get a job. Less likely to apply, less likely to be positive about myself, to self myself, less likely to be proactive etc.

Sometimes, like now, I sit in front of my computer to once again change my cv for an application, and the thought comes to mind that I must be insane.
because someone said, sorry I can't put a name to the quote, that insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
That seems to be what I am doing.

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