I have not posted here for quite a while.
This blog started as a way of talking about my childhood experiences and the effects they have in my adult life.
I was never very regular in my writing.
Previously, I had a blog that I decided to delete because I felt I was no longer anonymous. Ever since then, I have had some reluctancy to writing.
Time has passed and my life has changed. Most things for better, though not all of them.
I am quite lost professionally.
Currently, I am not working, as I am expecting a baby soon.
I have been teaching for the past couple of years. But I have not found a stable job, and I am struggling to find a place I really would like to stay in the long term.
I see many problems with the education system. It never worked for me when I was student and apparently it doesn't work form me from the other side either.
I wasn't a bad student, on the contrary I have been fairly successful academically, I even completed a PhD, but this was despite my schooling no thanks to it.
I was lucky that as my marks were good enough the school didn't make a fuzz about me missing lessons, which I did more often than not.
I treated school more as a social occasion than a learning setting. I enjoyed the company of my classmates, and when I got older and could manage to spend time with them outside the lessons, I did so instead of attending the lessons.
I would learn by myself what I have missed in class, and this always seem to work better for me than actually being in class, where I was normally distracted and bored.
But there was always one thing that was important to me. I liked learning. I liked it very much.
It just didn't easily happen in the school setting.
I always felt learning made my life better, I felt enriched.
And I think I very deeply feel that point is missing in education today.
I am tired of hearing parents, teachers, and policy makers talk about the importance of an education in terms of future jobs and economic prospects.
For many students it is not true, and even when it is... maybe we shouldn't make economic prospects the whole point of acquiring and education?
Anyway, that will be a different post.